Friday, January 31, 2020

Golf Audio Journal - E1 - General Golf Philosophy

Some extemporaneous thoughts about how to play golf well. My aim is to talk through these thoughts until they can one day be massaged into a golf instruction book.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Season 9 Episode 1 - Layne Tidwell

Layne is a wholesale real estate agent and a long time friend. He came by to drop off some utensils my wife used for a catering gig and their place and I lured him into my new podcast studio.. This is our impromptu conversation.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Season 8 Episode 5 - Phill Seagram (@instaseagram) & Zane Ruben (@thezaneruben)

Phill Seagram is my guest. He is as a product designer, car and shoe aficionado, musician, and long time friend. This episode contains potty words. Zane Ruben also joins in at the end to talk about the death of fashion in Cincinnati and his upcoming shopping spree in NYC.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Clay Wonnell Golf - Why my mascot is a Circus Bear

An explanation of why Clay Wonnell Golf's mascot is the circus bear...

For full Youtube video by Move Your Mind visit search "Alan Watts - Accept it, and you'll be good at it"
For full article by James Clear visit